Discover Neo4j Aura: The Future of Graph Database-as-a-Service Workshop

Tuesday, June 4
11:30 AM CT
90 minutes

Join us for an exclusive workshop exploring the transformative benefits of Neo4j Aura, a cloud-native Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). Neo4j Aura is revolutionizing data management and analysis, empowering organizations to unlock deeper insights, streamline operations, drive innovation, and return completeness of answers like never before.

Secure your spot for this comprehensive workshop as we dive into the revolutionary world of Neo4j's Aura which is transforming how organizations harness the potential of their interconnected data.

This workshop will:
  • Discuss the advantages and benefits of using a graph database-as-a-service, like the ease of deployment and enterprise-grade security and compliance measures
  • Highlight AuraDS - a managed service for running data science algorithms and workloads for Neo4j
  • Uncover the importance of grounding LLMs with knowledge graphs
  • Share integration and migration tips when transitioning or adding Aura Enterprise 

Date: Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Time: 11:30 AM CT

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how Neo4j Aura can transform your approach to data relationships and unlock the true power of interconnected data!

Sign up

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Sammy Dagher

Solutions Engineer
Sammy is a solution engineer for Neo4j who has worked with many clients across several industries, including automotive, utilities, and finance. His background includes a computer science degree from the University of Michigan, and he has worked professionally as a software developer and solution architect within the industries of automotive, supply chain optimization, and cloud digital transformation.