Neo4j is excited to announce the availability of Neo4j 4.0, the most significant release in the graph technology market to date. Built on Neo4j’s proven native foundation, 4.0 enables developers to build applications that maximize productivity and innovation by extending the scale, security and developer agility offered by the world’s most widely-used graph database.
This webinar is an exciting opportunity to hear from the Neo4j experts about how this next-gen graph database is sure to transform the graph technology industry. Emil Eifrem, CEO and Co-Founder of Neo4j, Dr. Jim Webber, Chief Scientist, Ivan Zoratti, Director of Product Management and Lance Walter, CMO, will be connecting with our community in this technical session to discuss:
- How Neo4j 4.0’s unlimited scalability meets ever-growing data requirements
- Building multiple Neo4j databases in a single Neo4j instance
- Neo4j 4.0’s new fine-grained security rules

Emil Eifrem sketched what today is known as the property graph model on a flight to Mumbai in 2000. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Neo4j, and a co-author of the O'Reilly book Graph Databases, he's devoted his professional life to building, innovating and evangelizing graph databases. He plans to save the world with graphs and own Larry's yacht by the end of the decade.

Dr. Jim Webber is Chief Scientist at Neo4j working on next-generation solutions for massively scaling graph data. Prior to joining Neo4j, Jim was a Professional Services Director with ThoughtWorks where he worked on large-scale computing systems in finance and telecoms. Jim has a Ph.D. in Computing Science from the Newcastle University, UK.

Lance Walter has more than two decades of Enterprise Product Management and Marketing experience. Lance started his career in technical roles at Oracle Corporation supporting enterprise relational database deployments. Since then, Lance has worked at industry leaders like Siebel Systems and Business Objects, as well as successful startups including Onlink (acquired by Siebel Systems), Pentaho (acquired by Hitachi Data Systems), Aria Systems, Capriza. Lance’s first experience with alternative database platforms was at Arbor Software, the pioneer of the multi-dimensional database / OLAP market.