Join us at Neo4j Government GraphTalk, an after-work networking opportunity to meet with your peers. Hear from graph experts to discuss how graph technology has been adopted by a number of government organisations to solve a wide-ranging set of use cases, from entity resolution, network analysis, and fraud detection to citizen recommendations.

Whether you are new to graph databases and graph data science or have some experience, this evening will provide you with the knowledge you need to get started with this powerful technology. This is an informal ‘Chatham House Rules’ networking discussion for a small and select community.

Graph technology can help you find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of data connections deeply, easily, and quickly. Realtime data analysis can only be solved by a native graph database, because a native graph database is an agile and adaptive way to interpret granular data at scale.


18:00 - Food, drinks and networking

18:30 - Opening remarks by Dr. Jim Webber, Chief Scientist at Neo4j, followed by discussion and dialogue

19:45 - Food, drinks and networking to finish

Space at this in-person event is strictly limited and by invitation only, so please reserve your seat early by registering on the right of this page.

Speaker Name
Speaker Title

Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Speaker Name
Speaker Title

Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Speaker Name
Speaker Title

Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.