Large Language Models are amazing but are also black-box models that often fail to capture and accurately represent factual knowledge. Knowledge Graphs, by contrast, are structural knowledge models that explicitly represent knowledge and, indeed, allow us to detect implicit relationships. In this talk we will demonstrate how LLMs can be improved by Knowledge Graphs, and how LLM’s can augment Knowledge Graphs. A perfect couple!
8:45 - Registration, coffee and pastries
9:15 - Kristof Neys will deliver his 45 minute speaking session on “Uniting LLMs and Knowledge Graphs”.
10:00 - Close with Q&A and networking before you get on with the rest of your working day!

Kristof is a Graph Data Scientist in the Field Engineering team at Neo4j, the leading graph technology platform, where he advises on and implements graph data science solutions for Neo4j’s clients. He is also currently pursuing a PhD in Graph Machine Learning at the University of London, Birkbeck. Kristof holds a MSc in Mathematics and a MSc in Data Science from the University of London. Prior to joining Neo4j Kristof had a 20 year career in Fixed Income Sales & Trading at some of the major investment banks in London.

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Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.