Government GraphTalk :
Digital Transformation for Data Driven Government Organizations

Thursday, August 1
8:30AM to 2:00PM GMT+7
The Westin Jakarta, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.C-22 A, Jakarta, 12940, Indonesia

Join us at Neo4j Government GraphTalk! Hear directly from government trailblazers on how graph technology has been adopted by a number of government organisations to solve a wide-ranging set of use cases, from entity resolution, network analysis, and fraud detection to citizen recommendations.

Whether you are new to graph databases and graph data science or have some experience, this event will provide you with the knowledge you need to get started with this powerful technology.

Graph technology can help you find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of data connections deeply, easily, and quickly. Realtime data analysis can only be solved by a native graph database, because a native graph database is an agile and adaptive way to interpret granular data at scale.

GraphTalk Agenda:

08:30 am     Registration

09:00 am     Welcome from Neo4j
                      Reza Pahlevi, Country Managing Director, Neo4j

09:10 am     The Art of the Possible with Graph Technology
                      Philip Rathle, Chief Technology Officer, Neo4j

09:40 am     Digital Transformation using Graph in Optimizing the Tax Business Environment
                      Iwan Djuniardi, Assistant to The Minister of Finance for Tax Regulation
                      and Law Enforcement

10:20 am     Morning Break

10:40 am     Building a Smarter Information Network with Graph Analytics
                     Farah Fitria Rahmayanti, Director of Digital Business, PERURI (GovTech Indonesia)

11:20 pm     Graph Fundamentals: Demos & Whiteboarding Session
                    Xavier Pilas, Sr. Solutions Architect, Neo4j and
                     Muhammad Arif Wicaksana, Sales Engineer, Neo4j

12:30 pm     Lunch & Networking

Places are limited so be sure to register on the right to secure your place.

Sign up


Iwan Djuniardi
Assistant to The Minister of Finance for Tax Regulation and Law Enforcement

Farah Fitria.jpg

Farah Fitria Rahmayanti
Director of Digital Business, Peruri, (GovTech Indonesia)

Philip Rathle.jpeg

Philip Rathle
Chief Technology Officer, Neo4j

Reza Pahlevi.jpg

Reza Pahlevi
Country Managing Director, Neo4j


Muhammad Arif Wicaksana
Sales Engineer, Neo4j

Xavier Pilas.png

Xavier Pilas
Sr. Solutions Architect, Neo4j