Government GraphTalk: Canberra (Virtual)

Thursday, March 20
9:30AM - 2:00 PM AEDT
The Boat House, Grevillea Park, Menindee Dr, Barton ACT, 2600

Join us virtually for an exclusive Neo4j GraphTalk event in Canberra!

Discover how graph technology is being adopted by a number of government organisations to solve a wide-ranging set of use cases, from entity resolution, network analysis, and fraud detection to citizen recommendations.

Graph technology can help you find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of data connections deeply, easily, and quickly. Realtime data analysis can only be solved by a native graph database, because a native graph database is an agile and adaptive way to interpret granular data at scale.

  • GraphTalk Agenda:

    • 09:30 am - Registration
    • 10:00 am - Welcome, Gary Sturgess, Federal Enterprise Account Executive, Neo4j
    • 10:10 am - Graphs for Government: Enhancing Public Services in the Age of AI | Emil Pastor, Head of Solutions Engineering A/NZ, Neo4j
    • Explore how Neo4j is empowering government organisations to make data-driven decisions, improve resource allocation, and enhance citizen services.
    • 10:25 am - Fighting Fraud with Graphs: Lessons from the U.S. Government Paycheck Protection Program | Vincent Bridgeman, SVP of Defence & National Security, Redhorse Corporation
    • Vincent will explore how Knowledge Graphs and context-aware analytics transform fraud detection in public sector programs. Using a real-world case from the U.S. Government Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), he will demonstrate how graph technology was used to quickly identify fraudulent loans, prioritise investigations, and provide a unified investigative platform. The session will also highlight broader graph technology applications in defence, supply chain security, sanctions evasion, and transnational threat monitoring.Vincent Bridgeman, Senior Vice President National Security Services, Redhorse Corporation.
    • 10:55 am - Morning Break
    • 11:10 am - Graph Analytics in Policing - Western Australia Police Force | Janelle Baily, Assistant Director of Data Science & Analytics, Western Australia Police Force
    • Explore how the WA Police Force harnesses the power of Graph Analytics to allow Front Line Officers, Detectives, and Intelligence Analysts to query previously siloed data and uncover hidden links in an easy and quick manner. The cutting-edge solution directly helps to solve crime faster and delivers outstanding benefits to officer and community safety. This session will take you through the Agency's journey with Graph Analytics, including challenges faced, lessons learned and a peek into how it is utilised.
    • 11:40 am - Your Enemies use AI, Too: Staying Ahead of Fraud with Neo4j Graph | Ben Lumley, Senior Solutions Engineer, Neo4j
    • As the government and public service agencies face increasingly sophisticated fraud schemes, adversaries leverage AI to exploit vulnerabilities. This interactive whiteboarding session demonstrates how Neo4j’s graph technology equips public sector organisations to uncover hidden fraud networks, respond with agility, and scale their defences. Explore how graph-powered insights can transform fraud detection, safeguard public resources, and enhance trust in government services, ensuring you stay ahead in the AI-driven fight against fraud.
    • 13:00 pm - Lunch and Networking
    • 14:00 pm - Conclusion of GraphTalk Canberra

    Whether you are new to graph databases and graph data science or have some experience, this event will provide you with the knowledge you need to get started with this powerful technology.

Register today to secure your virtual seat, and join us at GraphTalk Canberra!

Sign up

Gary Sturgess Image

Gary Sturgess
Public Sector Lead A/NZ, Neo4j

Janelle Baily Image

Janelle Baily
Assistant Director, Data & Analytics, WA Police

Emil Pastor Image

Emil Pastor
Head of A/NZ Solutions Engineering, Neo4j

Ben Lumley Image

Ben Lumley
Senior Solutions Engineer, Neo4j

Vincent Bridgeman Image

Vincent Bridgeman
Senior Vice President, Redhorse Corporation