For this particular session, you should have an Aura Free Tier account or Neo4j Sandbox. To obtain a Neo4j Aura Free Tier instance go to:
Third session: Full Stack GraphQL In The Cloud With Neo4j Aura, Next.js, & Vercel
In this workshop we will build and deploy a full stack GraphQL application using Next.js, Neo4j, and Vercel. Using a knowledge graph of news articles we will first build a GraphQL API using Next.js API routes and the Neo4j GraphQL Library. Next, we focus on the front-end, exploring how to use GraphQL for data fetching with a Next.js application. Lastly, we explore how to add personalization and content recommendation in our GraphQL API to serve relevant articles to our users, then deploy our application to the cloud using Vercel and Neo4j Aura.
During this hands-on training we will explore:
- Next.js overview and getting started with Next.js
- API Routes with Next.js & building a GraphQL API
- Using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
- Working with Apollo Client and GraphQL data fetching in Next.js
- Deploying with Vercel and Neo4j Aura
Next session: Data Science
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