Road to NODES - Building an Application Backed with Aura and Neo4j Connector for Confluent

Thursday, October 3
08:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 16:00 BST | 17:00 CEST | 20:30 IST
2 hours

<< All Road to NODES Workshops

Road to NODES is back in 2024 and we are excited to host a couple of hands-on workshops ahead of NODES 2024. Covering various topics we hope to give you some guidance as well as tips&tricks for your journey with Neo4j.

We will build a very simple team-based task management application which uses Neo4j Aura as its storage, monitoring an email address for task updates and sending email messages to team members about task updates using Neo4j Connector for Confluent Sink and Source connectors.

Upon registering for a Road to NODES Workshop, you will automatically be registered for NODES 2024.

Florent Biville Image

Florent Biville
Developer, Neo4j

Ali Ince Image

Ali Ince
Software Engineer, Neo4j

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