Road to NODES - Mastering Retrieval-Augmented Generation with the neo4j-genai-python Package | Europe & Asia Pacific

Thursday, October 10
09:00 BST | 10:00 CEST | 13:30 IST | 19:00 AEDT
2 hours

<< All Road to NODES Workshops

Road to NODES is back in 2024 and we are excited to host a couple of hands-on workshops ahead of NODES 2024. Covering various topics we hope to give you some guidance as well as tips&tricks for your journey with Neo4j.

In this workshop we are using the neo4j-genai-python open source package for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. It offers a deep dive into setting up and maximizing the neo4j-genai-python package, showcasing its utility in building simple to advanced RAG systems, such as GraphRAG. Learn to integrate Neo4j with generative AI models to enhance graph-powered applications and AI solutions. You will gain hands-on experience with practical use cases, learn how to execute different retrieval strategies and apply best practices in your projects. Ideal for developers eager to use graph databases in AI, this session provides essential skills and direct interaction with the package's developers.

Upon registering for a Road to NODES Workshop, you will automatically be registered for NODES 2024.

Alex Thomas Image

Alex Thomas
Senior Software Engineer, Neo4j

Will Tai Image

Will Tai
Senior Software Engineer, Neo4j

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