Explainable AI With Knowledge Graphs and RAG

Tuesday, August 27
9:00 a.m. IST | 11:30 a.m. SGT/HKT/CST | 12:30 p.m. JST | 1:30 p.m. AEST
30 Minutes

To deliver more accurate, explainable AI, vector search alone doesn’t provide the best results. While that technique improves the probability of a correct response, it still lacks domain-specific context and explainability. 

When you combine knowledge graphs and RAG into GraphRAG, you ground your LLM in precise, domain-specific data to:
  • Easily trace sources
  • Explain retrieval logic
  • Avoid hallucinations 

Learn the difference GraphRAG makes for your GenAI. Join us at our upcoming webinar to see side-by-side examples of LLM responses that compare using vector search alone and then adding in GraphRAG.

In just 30 minutes, you’ll find out:
  • How graphs fit within a RAG architecture
  • The fundamental ways that GraphRAG improves retrieval
  • How using Graph Data Science, a library of algorithms that helps uncover further hidden relationships in data, further enhances GraphRAG
Don’t settle for incomplete answers. Register to see how GraphRAG can improve your results.



Daniel Bukowski
Sr. Sales Engineer, Neo4j

Daniel Bukowski is a Sales Engineer at Neo4j focused on supporting customers with Graph Data Science and GenAI.

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