New to Neo4j AuraDB? Ask your questions so you can be more successful with Neo4j!

We are collecting frequently asked questions from our Neo4j AuraDB Users and are answering them live during this session. We also invite the audience to ask their questions. This is open to all questions around Neo4j and AuraDB - no matter if you've just started using Neo4j or are a seasoned graph expert.

We hope this will make your graph journey easier and more successful!
After registration you have the opportunity to submit your question ahead of time, so the team can spend some more time to prepare an answer!

Get Neo4j AuraDB Free!

David Allen
Developer Relations, Neo4j

Markus Kubicek

Philipp Zacharias

Stefan Kolmar
VP Field Engineering EMEA & APAC, Neo4j

Bruno Ungermann
Country Manager Deutschland, Neo4j


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Speaker Title

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The webinar has ended. Please click here to view it on-demand.