Visualization is a critical tool in getting the most out of your Neo4j graphs, empowering developers to prototype quickly and enabling data scientists to follow their intuition as they explore interesting patterns and algorithm results.
Neo4j Bloom streamlines conversations and projects across teams. The illustrative, codeless search-to-storyboard design makes Neo4j Bloom the ideal interface for non-technical project participants to share in the innovative work of their graph analytics and development teams.
In this 45-minute session, you’ll learn:
- How to reveal the value of data relationships and identify traversal paths between interesting nodes
- How to identify the relationships (including hidden paths) between individuals
- How to connect people to activities, locations, and other objects
- How to visualize the context and paths of Cypher queries
Plus, you’ll get a demo with the experts who built it, as well as ample time to ask your questions!

Anurag’s mission is to help Neo4j customers get successful with our portfolio of user products and tools. Prior to Neo4j, Anurag spent two decades in big data analytics and business intelligence, while in product and customer facing roles at Zoomdata and MicroStrategy. He is keenly passionate about enabling visual experiences that allow end users to freely explore their data assets.
Anurag holds a B.Tech. from IIT Bombay and an MS from University of Maryland, both in Mechanical Engineering, and an MBA from University of Michigan. He lives in Northern Virginia and enjoys leisure time with family and friends, and wandering to new places; ideally both.

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Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.