Using data to make the most accurate, advantageous decisions has long been a critical part of any organisation’s business strategy. However, when the amount of data has grown to be almost unmanageable, is kept in multiple silos, and is subject to complex regulation, gaining competitive advantage becomes incredibly difficult.
Combining graph data platform and artificial intelligence seems like a way forward. In this webinar, we will take a look at what a graph database is, why it is a key part of a highly connected data world and how you can use technologies and services from Google Cloud and partners to make sense of this huge amount of data.
In this 45-minute webinar:
- Nicole Barry from Google Cloud will set the scene for this discussion, and provide context for how Google Cloud is helping financial services customers,
- Dr. Jim Webber from Neo4j will provide an overview of the main advantages of graph databases and their common uses cases for financial services,
- Ali Khalili from Deloitte will provide expertise and real-life examples on how graph databases have helped specific customers with complex business decisions.

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Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed ac purus sit amet nisl tincidunt tincidunt vel at dolor. In ullamcorper nisi risus, quis fringilla nibh mattis ac. Mauris interdum interdum eros, eget tempus lectus aliquet at. Suspendisse convallis suscipit odio, ut varius enim lacinia in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.